Brother Egbert & The Digweed Treasure
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This second Brother Egbert story tells of Dick Digweed who lives with his mother in a little cottage by the side of the road not far from the village of Willingford. Dick is a gardener and works at Willingford Hall where he looks after the vegetables and herbs and fruit trees. On Saturday afternoons Dick goes up to the woodland above the village where he’s taught to use the longbow.
One day the call came from the King. There was war across the sea, and he needed all the archers he could find. Dick had never left the village before and when it was time for him to go his mother kissed him and said “Be careful on the road Dick’. Many years before, she and Dick’s father had been set upon by robbers who took all their savings and she was worried for her son.
When the war was over Dick was paid off and put ashore to begin the long walk back to Willingford. On the way he came across a tumble-down cottage. The old woman who lived there gave him food and shelter and in return Dick repaired her roof. She then told him her story - of robbery and treasure - and so began his marvelous adventures.
The book is beautifully written and illustrated by Steve Eggleton, with calligraphy by Cathy Stables.
72pp, in full colour throughout.
TO £5.00
An absolutely stunning book for children of all ages….